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Final Thoughts

Hello everyone, and welcome to my very last blog post (probably ever, to be honest). *sheds a tear.* In this fifth and final post, I'd like to talk about my final thoughts about The New Jim Crow , having finished the book now (yay!!). I'm basically going to be doing this in an essay format. The prompt I'll respond to? A question that I was asking myself throughout the book: What actions can be taken and changes made to eliminate the caste system and the racial inequalities that infect our country today? Michelle Alexander mentions a couple of solutions in the sixth chapter of The New Jim Crow , but for the most part, she took on the role of a messenger to mainly raise awareness of these issues, leaving much to the reader's imagination. She certainly made me think; again, throughout the book, the main question I was asking myself was How? Well, I've thought on it enough to form an argument I think, and I've decided that I agree with Michelle Alexander: the mo

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